Ron, a veteran of WWII, and his wife Rose worked tirelessly together on a large dairy farm for over fifty years.
They diligently saved money for the day when they could no longer work. Only a year and a half into retirement Rose was diagnosed with cancer. Many months of treatment depleted their energy and their savings. Their nest egg was gone.
Rose and Ron struggled to buy the healthy food they needed to keep Rose strong enough for treatment. Instead of enjoying their golden years, they faced the threat of hunger and hopelessness.
A neighbor brought Ron and Rose to the Family Pathways Food Shelf.
There they found people who knew how to help them…they found hope. After touring the food shelf, they went home that very first day with milk, eggs, chicken, vegetables, soup and much more. Staff invited them to return each week for fresh produce.
A Family Pathways Aging Specialist reached out to Rose and Ron with services to help them keep their house safe; as well as help for Rose as her role was transitioning to caregiver for Ron in his early stage of dementia. They no longer worry how they will put food on their table. Rose shared,
I don’t know what the future will bring, but everyone at Family Pathways has become family. We have good food and people who look out for us…that makes me hopeful for our future.”
– Rose