Family Pathways operates the Black Dog Hill Shelter
It is the only 24-hour domestic and sexual violence emergency shelter within Isanti, Chisago, Kanabec, Pine, and Carlton Counties. On average, the Black Dog Hill Shelter provides secure emergency shelter and access to basic needs to nearly 18+ survivors and children daily. Basic needs could include meals, toiletries, clothing, linens, diapers, laundry facilities, and access to our food shelf.
Advocates work closely with each program participant to create a path to self-sufficiency for individuals leaving abusive relationships. When an individual or family arrives at our shelter, they have a safe place to stay while receiving on-site support to resolve immediate crises, health concerns, legal issues, economic problems, and improve their overall well-being. Advocates also assist families in reaching housing, education, and employment goals.
Children and Youth in the Shelter
Over half of the residents of the Black Dog Hill Shelter are children and youth. Advocates and volunteers work with children and youth in partnership with moms to provide comprehensive services for the entire family. They receive special attention, and we work with them on:
- Safety Planning
- Child Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Self-esteem
In addition, special activities and outings are planned for the children to have fun in a safe and nurturing environment.
24-Hour Crisis Hotline:
Family Pathways provides around-the-clock service, advocacy, and shelter for all victims of violence. Our 24-hour crisis line provides information, resources, safety planning, and support to all victims of domestic and sexual violence.
Can’t safely make a call? Email us.
Email is checked multiple times a day.