Caregiver Consulting
Let us walk beside you as you manage and live your life while caring for another person. You will develop your own caregiver support plan and connect with resources in the community
Caregiver Clubs
Come and share your story with others in a professionally facilitated, safe, confidential environment. Share concerns and feelings regarding your role as caregiver and learn from others. Join an in-person or virtual caregiver club – contact one of our aging care staff for more information.
Education and Information
This personalized service equips caregivers with knowledge, skills and tools to achieve a balanced lifestyle while caring for another person. Attend a class, or book a 1-on-1 session with one of our professionals. Our dedicated team is here to help you navigate the challenges of caregiving, whether it’s medical, emotional, or practical. You’re not alone on this journey.

Classes Offered:
Caregiver Essentials
Understanding the impact of providing care to an older adult and getting help finding community resources.
Healthy Eating
Identify some healthy eating habits and how to plan healthy meals and snacks.
Stress Awareness
Identifying your stressors and learning what actions to take to reduce the amount of stress in your life.
Diagnosed with Dementia: Now What?
This class will cover care planning for caregivers and discuss what Dementia is and how it affects the diagnosed and those around them.
Caring Through the Holidays
This class focuses on what caregivers may be going through around the holidays.
Making Memories
Focusing on what is still possible instead of what is no longer possible between Caregiver and those who need care and access to many referrals and connections to other area services.
Upcoming Class:
Contact Consulting Staff:
Chisago and Isanti Counties
(320) 364-9152
Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine Counties
(320) 364-3526
Aging Coordinator/Community Education
(651) 257-7905