March FoodShare
As the abundance of donations from the holidays dwindles, the needs in our community continue. The largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state, the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign brings together businesses, communities, and individuals to help restock food shelves statewide.

What is a Food & Fund Drive?
YOU and your co-workers (customers, members, friends/family, students) become a circle of support for a family in crisis by providing a collection box and fun promotions to collect food and financial donations. The gifts you collect will be used to provide essential services and stock Family Pathways 9 food shelves across East Central MN and Western WI.
These are fun and positive team building experiences—hosted by businesses, schools, organizations, religious groups and individuals—that can help your group feel more connected to the community and one another. Family Pathways works alongside Food & Fund Drive Hosts providing support materials and overall moral support.

We are here to support your Food & Fund Drive!
Use Family Pathways Food & Fund Drive Toolkit for ideas and resources. Toolkit materials are available to download and print:
Resources for setting up a Virtual Food and Fund drive can be found here:
Prefer to make a monetary donation? Click here.
Email Taylor for technical or marketing support.