Consider being an Event Sponsor for Barn Bash 2023
Event Sponsors are the primary source of funding for these events and help ensure their success. You make it all possible! Thank you for your consideration.
Ready to partner? Simply click here and purchase the Event Sponsorship level that’s right for your company.
PURCHASEHeadline Sponsorship- Only 1 Available- SOLD
Event will be presented by you on all marketing materials. You will also receive:
- Two Reserved tables for 8 at the event and goodie bags for your guests.
- Logo on Barn Bash Banner and featured sponsorship placement at event
- Verbal recognition throughout the event
- Featured recognition in all event marketing materials including press release, website, event page, flyers, full page ad in Barn Bash program and social media
Platinum Sponsorship
- Reserved table for 8 at the event and goodie bags for your guests.
- Logo on Sponsor posters at the event as well as recognition as a cocktail hour sponsor
- Verbal recognition throughout the event
- Featured recognition in event marketing materials including website, event page, flyers, 1/2 page ad in Barn Bash program and social media
Gold Sponsorship
- Reserved seats for 4 at the event
- Logo on Sponsor posters at the event as well as recognition as an auction sponsor
- Verbal recognition throughout the event
- Recognition in event marketing materials including website, event page, flyers, 1/4 page ad in Barn Bash program and social media
Silver Sponsorship
- Reserved seats for 2 at the event
- Logo on Sponsor posters at the event
- Recognition in event marketing materials including website, event page, flyers, listed in Barn Bash program and social media
Copper Sponsorship
- Reserved seats for 2 at the event
- Logo on Sponsor posters at the event
Family Table Sponsorship
- Reserved table for 8 at the event and goodie bags.
- Logo on Sponsored Table at the event
- Verbal recognition during the event